Angel Brittany

Angel Brittany

Sunday, April 3, 2011

... to love is to be vulnerable. Love is the opening of the heart, the welcoming of your beloved. Loving is not secure, authentic loving is risky. Security lies behind the walls of a closed heart. You either invite the union by opening in love, or you secure the isolation by closing down.

An incredible amount of trust is involved in love. How can some be so willing to live the love we all wish we had? How can others walk through this world totally alone and totally blind to the joys that this love holds? You would think everyone could see the difference. In my travel on this journey I have been blessed to know so many truly loving people. People unafraid to give their heart in whole to the world. They are there for me and so many others. They are the angels here on earth that are the support when we feel we cannot take another step. Just part of the blessings we come upon each day. Are you seeing the angels in your life or are you closing your eyes to them? By opening your eyes you are opening your heart too.

It is risky, it is scary.

No one wants to hurt.

No one wants to let the devil into their house knowingly. Yet when we open our heart we also open the door that that could happen. The devil can be so sly and deception knows no ends when it comes to getting what the devil desires.

I don't remember where I read this, "where ever God builds his church, there too the devil will build his chapel."
Isn't that ironic? How often have you witnessed another trying to banish joy from others? Parade rain-ers, Debbie downers, (Not you Debbie, if you are listening)You know the type.... always there to criticize and belittle the things which make someone proud and joyful. That must be the devil at work.

Happiness and positive attitude are not an easy walk. Aside from the daily battle with your ego, there are all those around you just waiting to rain on your parade. It would be simple to not share the love and joy. It would be easy to just blend in and be a wall flower, not sharing at all. But have you ever been cheerful and happy when you felt sad? Try it. You will feel better instantly. I often talk about perspective and how small changes in it make profound changes in the way we see things. I want to live my life sharing the love God has blessed me with and watching it grow around me.
Thank you, all my angels of happiness. Thank you for making the days easier by sharing the love! You know who you are. And you do make the world a better place.

My world is not immune to these devils. Unhappy in so many ways. They grasp at things we hold, things that bring us joy. They try to steal that joy for them selves. They yearn for the joy they don't understand how to achieve. They covet what we have. They covet those that love us. They will try to destroy us and those around us to get that love.

But my heart hurts for them.... I know they hurt... Why can they not see?
What would God have us do?
I pray for them... but where do I draw this line? Can they be shown the way to God's love?

Should I play with fire and hope not to be burned?

To forgive I know... but forgetting is much harder... Please pray for those touched by the destruction caused be the selfish devil. I fear the aftermath of a great storm would be easier to repair...

“Who is the happiest of men? He who values the merits of others, and in their pleasure takes joy, even as though t'were his own.”

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

“To be at one with God is to be at peace ... peace is to be found only within, and unless one finds it there he will never find it at all. Peace lies not in the external world. It lies within one's own soul.”

Ralph Waldo Trine
