Life goes on, and on,and on. It won't stop no matter how much I sometimes wish it would. Sometimes I just wish it would stop so I can catch my breath. Through all of these trials I have learned to focus on what makes me happy. To let the little things that bother me go. Yeah some days I struggle with this more than others. But most days I can say "look at it, acknowledge it,let it go" for most of the small stuff. It is getting easier. Some things just really don't matter in the grand scheme of things. Yeah my house isn't spotless. I do try to keep it clean enough to be healthy. But I have more time for the things that are really what matter to me. My family, my art, reading, my garden I am even enjoying cooking again. And do you know what I have also discovered? Look at all of these things... they help me get rid of stress too. Hahaha that's awesome! See it is true that our heart can lead the way. Follow your heart! Don't get me wrong, I know sometimes you have to listen to your head. But when it can be done listen to your heart. I guess that's like the no regret thing . Live to regret what you have done not what you haven't.
Will this matter a week, or a month, or even a year from now? For most things you can answer No to that question. And when you put things in that perspective it changes a lot. Perspective is very important. Change your perspective and it gives you a whole new outlook. Even something as monstrous as cancer and be demeaned by changing your perspective. I could dwell on the loss. That Brittany lost her fight with cancer. Or I can change my perspective and say Brittany won her battle! The day she died she did. She escaped cancer, it can't hurt her further. She no longer has to fight this battle. She is not in pain and she is not sick. She won't live her life in fear of it coming back. Yes I wish she was here and cancer free and living a happy life. I wish she could do so many things. But I can make the horrible fact that she died feel better just by looking at it as a victory. It was a victory not a defeat. Perspective changes everything. Try it! By changing our perspective we can we can make even the worst situation more bearable. I guess that would be the power of positive thinking at it's best.
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