Angel Brittany

Angel Brittany

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

“Confront the dark parts of yourself, and work to banish them with illumination and forgiveness. Your willingness to wrestle with your demons will cause your angels to sing. Use the pain as fuel, as a reminder of your strength.”

August Wilson quotes

Tears come so easily these days. I know we need the rain but I really need the sunny mornings to help me face each new day. Even when it is gloomy there is the promise of sun. I wish my body could run as long as my mind feels it needs to. I know yoga has been a blessing mentally and physically for me. And some days I still wish i could do more yoga too. Maybe my need for sun is only my way of trying to rid myself of this cold. My heart feels so full of beautiful memories but there is this coldness that just won't stay away. I can distract myself for a short while and then it returns.
I know my days will get easier again. I wish they would hurry up and turn. Maybe these hard days are here for me to confront my demons, my darkness. It seems when I push it aside for a few weeks unchecked, the dark days come in a cluster. When I deal with my feelings one day at a time the darkness is short lived.
Yesterday we had a "Rosy" moment... I was fussing at daddy about ignoring me. He said he needs rest. Rose said" Weellll! DaaaDDDY! If you didn't run so much .... maybe you would have time for a nap! And then you wouldn't be tired! lol that girl is a card. She loves to share her opinion. I am sure mom would say she got that from me.Savannah chimed in when he said I had been clingy with " it could be worse... she could be pregnant"! Oh my goodness where did that come from. The only place I can think of is one of Toms employees is pregnant and he has fussed about her complaining.
I feel better now. Just talking for a bit made me feel better. Thank you! I will face the darkness and illuminate it and forgive. I will forgive for myself and my girls. By confronting it it will fade.
peace in your journey

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE ROSE! well i love your whole amazing family! one of my first memories with rose is we were all sitting in Britt's room and it had rained Tom came and in and asked if she left the d.s. out doors (she did) but she swore up and down that she had not. she is pure joy.
