Angel Brittany

Angel Brittany

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Would it be easier if she had only been a baby? would a toddler not leave such a void in my life? Forgive my rambling please... Would it have been any easier to not have also lost a friend? We spent countless hours talking in the hospital. lost of days we would just sit and talk with out the TV on. I miss those talks. I miss her opinion. I miss her passion for life. I don't believe it would ever be easier to lose a child. Only different. The pain cuts so deep you cannot imagine how to go on, yet you do.Sometimes I am lost. Some times I have profound clarity.
For those outside my everyday circle. I fractured my right arm about a month ago. I have not been able to run or do yoga the whole time!!!! I am so missing my yoga. I love after a really great practice the peace and clarity i feel. My mind needs the attention. Today has been a hard day. but it is almost over and I know tomorrow will be better. Each day I get closer to healing and peace.
Confront the dark parts of yourself, and work to banish them with illumination and forgiveness. Your willingness to wrestle with your demons will cause your angels to sing. Use the pain as fuel, as a reminder of your strength.”
August Wilson
I know I have posted that before but it is for me as well. I need to hear this right now. I need to fuel myself and renew strength.
Thank you for listening
good night

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