Sometimes we need to cry."Tears can wash away the haze and when the tears are gone we see the world with new eyes." Spring rain seems to feel the same way.It washes the earth and everything looks new and fresh again. With the rebirth of everything that comes with spring I long for renewed strength. Spring will flood our senses with beauty and freshness. The flowers and trees are so ready for the steady warmth of the sun just as I am. Maybe this will be the year the cold will leave for good. It has gotten better over the last few weeks and then it returned. Although in thinking back maybe it is only the fact that I have been so busy. It must have been there but I didn't even notice because I was occupied with more important things.
So much racing through my head today and for the last few weeks. I can't seem to find the time to lose myself in these memories and thoughts. Yet I know this cold will remain ever present until I let the tears wash my eyes and release the vice of sorrow that holds my heart so tightly these days. The vice that has total control and seems at every chance to be intent on consuming my life with this darkness. You would think I would have learned by now to just let the tears come and go. Still that wonderful thing we call ego assumes control. I deny them again and again only for them to rally the forces and bring me to my knees once again.
And then I am reminded that sometimes life knows where we should be even when we think otherwise. Life, God, knows we need to slow down and things happen so we do. It has been a hard week for many around us and my prayers have gone out continuously for those families. How do you fill the emptiness in your arms that the loss of a child of any age leaves? I wish I knew the magic cure. I know from my own trials that every step is different some easier than others. You think things are going to be easier and something brings all the pain to the surface. Like it was right there all the while. It seems that time doesn't change this. The pain will always be there lying in wait. Even though we have been through the loss of a child I don't have magic words to help with the pain for another parent. My heart breaks. But I know words cannot even come close... J my arms ache with you and your family. Some days it is comforting to know we were chosen to host these precious angels. And then there are the days I am so mad at God I think why would he do such things to his "angels".
“Suppressed grief suffocates, it rages within the breast, and is forced to multiply its strength.” Ovid
“Give sorrow words. The grief that does not speak whispers the o'er-fraught heart, and bids it break.” William Shakespeare
Peace for your days
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