Angel Brittany

Angel Brittany

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Fall has always been a favorite season for me.
 I guess I find it hard to really dislike any season entirely.

 I love the cold of winter.
The snow and ice can be so incredibly beautiful.
The lazy days snuggled up with family or a good book.
I do tire of the bleak days with limited sunlight if any.

 Spring brings a rebirth of the Earth.
 And renewed strength for me with the promise of more sunny days on the way.

Maybe I will escape this constant cold for a brief moment in the warm spring sunlight.
 As summer brings all it's glory and warmth I am reminded of summers past at almost every step.
 Summer is such a big part of childhood. Years are measured by summer and Christmas by most children it seems.
 As summer comes to a close it seems I am again drawn to family memories and what can never be.
       Lost potential ...

 Maybe it is the work I must do emotionally to prepare myself for the season and holidays to come.

 Maybe somewhere in these painful but sweet memories I am healing.

           Maybe I am learning to find my way out of this dark dark sorrow.

 As I sit here letting the memories flood my heart and mind. I can't help but let the tears flow I'm sure you know...

 I remembered our family trip to the "Trail of Doom".
 It's a corn maze near us. They have a haunted maze and an ghoul free maze. We found our way through the ghoul free maze first. We went on a hayride and picked our pumpkins.That was fun enough and the haunted maze was opening since it was just getting dark. I think Rose was 4, Savannah 7 Brittany was in 8th grade and Amber would have been a junior. If you know me, you know I think children should be prepared for the world as it is.. SCARY and all. As long as bad dreams aren't following them I think it's okay to expose my kids to scary things. I knew this maze was safe. A good scare now and then helps you learn to laugh at your fears. Heck I love scaring the little buggers! They have learned how to get even with me in the same way.

 Okay, back to the story.... So we as a family group, literally a huddle, begin our journey into the "Trail of Doom" as you walk thru the maze you happen upon scary creachers of every sort. Alien and otherwise. So I guess we were about half way through the maze when a chainsaw bearing "Jason" walked out of the corn behind us! Before this Amber had been bringing up the rear of our huddle. Amber rushed past me shoving me, who happened to be carrying Rose, into the corn!
 So picture this I can't use my hands to help myself up because Rose is clinging to my neck with all her might, The Looking over my shoulder she whispers"run mommy run". As I struggle to get up out of this "row" we have made into the corn the "monster" helps us up as the rest of the family keeps running...We did eventually emerge from the Trail of Doom unharmed, well most of us anyway.....

Family memories can be energizing for me at times and at others they can be so completely draining I don't know how to move on. I wish I had more video. I have started taking more... of the everyday kind of memories too.

I hope you all have a blessed Christmas.

Please add the Martin family to your prayers. Kyle might not make it through Christmas. Pray for the gift of peace for his wife and children. He is only 42. I won't say that's too young for cancer because any age is too young for cancer as far as I am concerned.

love and prayers


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