I am truly blessed.
My road in this life has not been an easy one. It has been full of detours and pot holes for sure.
as I sit here this morning in my quiet house I am reminded of my blessings. And there are to many to count.
My kind hearted husband, our beautiful family. Those are at the top of the list for sure.
Looking around at the families I work with this season it seems to hit home even harder how many are without the basics.
Shelter and warm clothing and food.
So many struggling to feed their families.
Why do I have so much?
What makes me more deserving of the gifts?
How can my heart be so hollow and broken in one moment and feel so full in the next?
Will this void ever shrink?
Will I ever feel whole again?
I used to think I would never be able to fully feel happiness again.
Yet here I am feeling so happy, content and at peace with this journey, so whole.
The wisdom we gain from years is real. So many elders try to share the wisdom they have gained. How often do we as younger beings dismiss their advice? " It won't be that way for me." But then years later we reflect back to that advice and know they were right.
Slow down and live life for right now.
What am I missing because I am in a rush? I have my to do list to be done!
Stop! Life doesn't give us repeats very often.
Driving to class yesterday, I passed the nursing home where mom was as I do every Thursday. It was different yesterday, harder.
How I wish she were here. Healthy and vibrant as she was so long ago.
What would I do to hold my beautiful Bitsy for one ore hour?
Just to touch her warm soft skin…
I have so much and yet I long for the things that I cannot have. The love that has gone on. The hugs from arms no longer with me. The sweet sounds of voices silenced in this world.
Sometimes I have to allow myself to grieve more. To let the tears wash away the sad memories and usher in the memories that make me cry tears of joy.
Holidays have been hard for these years without Brittany. This year I feel I can bear them. They are about building new memories too. Thank you for this gift. The gift of joy to share with my girls who have been through so much already.
Thank you for my gifts and blessings
Thank you for my caring husband, who always makes me smile
Thank you for my beautifully talented daughters. They are all so different yet alike in so many ways
Thank you for the friends and family you have surrounded us with. The ones who are there when we need a shoulder or just a smile and hello.
Thank you for our healthy bodies and healthy minds.
Thank you for so many other things I am to blind to notice that make my journey easier.
Thank you for my peace.
Thank you for showing me how to allow my heart to love again.
May you and yours have a wonderfully blessed holiday season.
May you slow down and savor each and every moment you can.
My road in this life has not been an easy one. It has been full of detours and pot holes for sure.
as I sit here this morning in my quiet house I am reminded of my blessings. And there are to many to count.
My kind hearted husband, our beautiful family. Those are at the top of the list for sure.
Looking around at the families I work with this season it seems to hit home even harder how many are without the basics.

So many struggling to feed their families.
Why do I have so much?
What makes me more deserving of the gifts?
Will this void ever shrink?
Will I ever feel whole again?
I used to think I would never be able to fully feel happiness again.
Yet here I am feeling so happy, content and at peace with this journey, so whole.
The wisdom we gain from years is real. So many elders try to share the wisdom they have gained. How often do we as younger beings dismiss their advice? " It won't be that way for me." But then years later we reflect back to that advice and know they were right.
Slow down and live life for right now.
What am I missing because I am in a rush? I have my to do list to be done!
Stop! Life doesn't give us repeats very often.
Driving to class yesterday, I passed the nursing home where mom was as I do every Thursday. It was different yesterday, harder.
How I wish she were here. Healthy and vibrant as she was so long ago.
What would I do to hold my beautiful Bitsy for one ore hour?
Just to touch her warm soft skin…
I have so much and yet I long for the things that I cannot have. The love that has gone on. The hugs from arms no longer with me. The sweet sounds of voices silenced in this world.
Sometimes I have to allow myself to grieve more. To let the tears wash away the sad memories and usher in the memories that make me cry tears of joy.
Holidays have been hard for these years without Brittany. This year I feel I can bear them. They are about building new memories too. Thank you for this gift. The gift of joy to share with my girls who have been through so much already.
Thank you for my gifts and blessings
Thank you for my caring husband, who always makes me smile
Thank you for my beautifully talented daughters. They are all so different yet alike in so many ways
Thank you for the friends and family you have surrounded us with. The ones who are there when we need a shoulder or just a smile and hello.
Thank you for our healthy bodies and healthy minds.
Thank you for so many other things I am to blind to notice that make my journey easier.
Thank you for my peace.
Thank you for showing me how to allow my heart to love again.
May you and yours have a wonderfully blessed holiday season.
May you slow down and savor each and every moment you can.
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