Angel Brittany

Angel Brittany

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Angel Bitsy is 19

Happy Birthday Angel Bitsy. Angel Bitsy turned 19 12/1/10

How I long to touch her hand. To hear her laugh. To smell her perfume. To pick up her laundry...the simple tasks of motherhood seem so profound. Reading a book to a young one on your lap, for the thousandth time. Tucking them back in bed after the umteenth trip for water. Snuggling up after a bad dream. Mending hearts and pride after someones harsh words. Teaching them how to make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. The first school program......Watching them become an independent and beautiful young adult...
So many things we take for granted.
Christmas for me has always been so much fun. Watching the excitement in the eyes of everyone, young and old alike. Christmas is so painful, so much effort now. Hopefully this will change as time marches steadily onward. Daily we go through this life just going through the motions if you will. Not truly living to the fullest. Not loving with all our heart. I feel like I am doing this with Christmas. Can you honestly say you give your heart completely and unconditionally to anything or even more importantly any one? I can! My husband and best friend Tom, my children and my family( yes family is a work in progress.) I still get mad at them but I know nothing will stop my love for them. And I know this sounds crazy sometimes but I do love my God. I still get mad at him too. I know God has given me the strength required to get myself and my family through this journey. Brittany's words are echoed through my mind when I get down. "Mom it could be so much worse." Through all my trials I can see that I am truly blessed. I have the love of my life right here going down this bumpy road with me. This has been a blessing and a curse at times. Sometimes when I want to vent or just cry it's so hard to lay that extra weight on his shoulders. I know he struggles with this also. If I had to choose who would travel this road with me the only choice would be my best friend. The only one who knows me. The only one I trust to look over me in this journey. No judgment. Thank you god for that blessing. Thank you for helping us grow together not apart as I have watched so many do. Thank you for the Angels you placed around me for me to lean on when I feel I cannot take one more step.
When you go through something so painful like losing a child there is a part of grief that no one can prepare you for. You cannot see it coming and you cannot avoid it. I call it the fog. When you know what you need to do or even want to do but you just can't do it. Others who have gone through this journey know it can last for years. I feel I have been on the edge of the fog for a while now. And like they say hind sight is 20/20. I can see the fog from here and how it changes you. Tom is finally starting to see it in himself also. I see glimpses of my husband there. He is coming back. If you have been here you know what I am talking about. The fog or like a friend says "faking it til we make it" robs you of the joy you find in anything. The zest for life, anything that used to bring you joy doesn't. I can see it lifting from my husband and every time I think about it I cry tears of joy.
I look out on this world with different eyes now. I feel like my heart has opened a whole new world to me. It is my duty to share the love I have found with anyone who will listen.
I watched a video today that touched my heart. Thanks CB. It was about how we all have angels with us. I believe we do. If you open your heart the angels will lead you. The Angels will show you the gifts of life no matter how small. But you have to listen with your heart. They are there to guide us if we listen. Life can be confounding in so many ways, and they are our blessing. There for comfort or understanding(from the video). All we have to do is listen and ask. I talk to my Angel quite regularly. We have a great relationship. My Angel never gets angry or discouraged. And my Angel always seems to know what I need.

I hope you will talk to your Angel today. Just say "hello"!And if it touches your heart maybe a "thank You".

Thank You Angel!
Hope you have a blessed Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and Happy Holidays