Angel Brittany

Angel Brittany

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

As this day brings a beautiful new dawn. My strength is somewhat renewed. I have to remember the promises given and have faith that He is in control. Our brain as humans can be so devious. This thing we call "ego" can be such a kill joy. It thinks it knows what is the way we should continue. It plants doubt in things we have always trusted. We have only to turn our back on ego and turn back to our God to see the love. God did not put us here to suffer. Our ego leads us into much of the suffering. Unconditional love is something we have been told as people of faith we should have. Jesus showed us unconditional love. Why is it so hard for us to really know unconditional love? Ego maybe? We say we love unconditionally and then we contradict our selves by limiting others for our love. Are the worthy? Why should I when?..... I face the challenge everyday of letting the ego win with all it's negativity and sorrow. Most days I am triumphant. Yesterday and several over the past few weeks have beaten my determination to live life as Brittany did. Brittany looked at life with the eyes of excitement and wonder we should all have."Strength to continue when others would crumble"(thanks Amber for that) That was one of the awesome things about her. Incredible will! The will of a true angel. She knew he would protect her, she knew it would be better soon. If only we could tap into that wisdom and not have to fight for it every day. I today am choosing to win and see the love and joy I have been given. I am choosing to be thankful for my journey no matter how difficult it may seem, it is mine. I know I am loved. I must also choose to love myself and forgive myself. Thank you for your prayers,

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