Angel Brittany

Angel Brittany

Sunday, May 1, 2011

I have discovered a source of pain in my daily routine.

Yet I cannot remove this task from my day.

Something as mundane as a trip to school with the kids has become a daily battle.
I want to be there... to drop them off.... To see them off on their day's journey.


as soon as I am alone it starts...

the questioning...

Why us? Why her? What did we do or not do? What is the plan? When will I understand?....

I am greeted by the beautiful young lives just beginning to blossom and it hurts... I want our beautiful Bisty to blossom! So many families untouched by the darkness of such a loss...

Do they cherish each second as they should?

Do they say I love you every chance they get?

I pray for the families around me each day. I pray they understand what a precious gift life is. I have peace knowing Bitsy knew she was loved. I know she loved us as well. So many do not share these simple words....I love you... why?
Pride? ...Ego?... Fear?...

Silly things the devil puts in our way.

Things to cloud our sight of the true love our God has shown for us. The love we should show our God.

Tell those you love that you do! Don't expect them to just know! And If someone impacts your life in a good way share it with them. We all need to love each other and be loved by others.

Kindness is contagious. Spread it around!

You never know when you will be the one in need of a kind word.

To the world you may be but one,
but to one you may be the world...

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